Selecting Material from the Bible



Selecting Material from the Bible
This article contains a free Bible Study resource on the subject of Selecting Material from the Bible. The problem of selecting Bible material adapted to children. The content of the Bible grew slowly. It did not take its form in accordance with any particular or definite plan. It never was meant as a connected, organized textbook, to be studied in the same serial and continuous order as other books. It was not written originally for children, but for adults to read.  

Selecting Material from the Bible for Children
The very nature of the Bible requires that we make the most careful selections from it in choosing the material for religious instruction of children. Not all parts of the Bible are of equal value as educational material, and some parts of it have no place in the course of study before full mental development has been reached. The principle on which to select material from the Bible is clear: Know what the child is ready for in his grasp and understanding; know what he needs to stimulate his religious imagination and feeling and further his moral and religious development. Then choose the material accordingly.

Selecting Material from the Bible to meet the needs of Children
Its enduring quality proves that the writers of the Bible lived close to the heart and thought of God, and were therefore inspired of him. But we can grant this and still feel free to select from its lessons and truths the ones that are most directly fitted to meet the needs of our children as we train them in religion. We can love and prize the Bible for all that it means and has meant to the world, and yet treat it as a means and not an end in itself. We can believe in its truth and inspiration, and still leave out of the lessons we give our children the sections which contain little of interest or significance for the child's life, or matter which is beyond his grasp and understanding.

Selecting Material from the Bible for Children - Material which may be omitted
Material which may be omitted.—This point of view implies the omission, at least from the earlier part of the child's religious education, of much material from different parts of the Bible; these irrelevant sections or material not suited to the understanding of childhood may remain for adult study. For example, we may leave out such matter as the following:

  • The detailed account of the old Hebrew law as given in Leviticus; much of the Hebrew history which has no direct bearing on the understanding of their religion

  • Details of the institution of the Passover, and other ecclesiastical arrangements; the philosophy of the book of Job; genealogies which have no especial significance nor interest

  • The succession of judges and kings; dates and chronological sequences of no particular importance

  • Any stories or matter clearly meant to be understood as allegory or myth, but which the child would misunderstand, or take as literal and so get a mistaken point of view which later would have to be corrected

  • Matter which shows a lower state of morality than that on which we live

After all such material of doubtful value to the child has been omitted, there still remains an abundance of rich, inspiring, and helpful subject matter.

Selecting Material from the Bible - A Free Christian Bible Study Resource
We hope that  this Selecting Material from the Bible article will provide useful information and ideas for those teaching Bible Study lessons. All articles together with tools, activities, aids and materials and  are designed to be used by an individual or a Christian Bible study group. Many articles will also prove useful as the basis for fun Sunday School lessons for Christian children and kids other topics will prove a useful asset to teens, youth or adults taking a Bible Study course or Biblical degree. All information on this Selecting Material from the Bible page is free to be used as an educational Christian Bible Study resource.

Selecting Material from the Bible

Selecting Material from the Bible

  • Selecting Material from the Bible a free Bible Study resource

  • Great Ideas for different Christian topics and activities

  • Tips, techniques, methods, plans, aids, guide, activities, games resource for learning about the Bible including this section on Selecting Material from the Bible

  • A free Selecting Material from the Bible learning aid for Christian students undertaking Bible studies

  • Use this free information for an online Bible study course

  • Read the KJV Bible - ideal for Biblical Studies, Sunday School lessons and Bible Study

  • Selecting Material from the Bible 

Selecting Material from the Bible

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