KJV Bible Online



KJV Bible Online

KJV Bible Online
We hope that you find our KJV Bible online helpful to your bible studies and for references which allow you to read the books and individual verses of the Old Testament and the New Testament. KJV Bible online
offers free, online access to study the words of the KJV Bible online. A good resource for Bible study and Bible lessons for those who follow the Christian faith. The names of the books in the Old Testament and the New Testament from the KJV Bible online are detailed below - just click on a link to access the Bible Scriptures of your choice.

KJV Bible Online Verses from the Old Testament
Click one of the following links for access to the KJV Bible online with chapters and verses from King James version of the Old Testament.

KJV Bible Online Verses from the New Testament
Click one of the following links for access to the KJV Bible online with chapters and verses from King James version of the New Testament.

KJV Bible Online - The Old Testament
The chapters and verses are taken from the KJV Bible (King James Version). In the Christian religion the Old Testament refers to the books that form the first of the two-part Christian canon. It is believed the 39 Books of the Old Testament were written and compiled between the 12th and the 2nd century BC. The KJV Bible online contains the collection of words and text which comprises of the sacred scripture of the Hebrews which also are generally accepted by Christians and to some extent Moslems. The Books of the Old Testament are the first half of Christian Bibles and are contained in the KJV Bible online.

KJV Bible Online - The New Testament
The chapters and verses are taken from the KJV Bible online. In the Christian religion the New Testament refers to the 27 books that form the second of two-part Christian Bibles. The New Testament refers to the books, chapters and verses that form the scriptures of the Christian Church taken from KJV Bible and records the life of Jesus Christ. The New Testament is the second half of all Christian Bibles. The New Testament describes the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as other Christian teachings. Read the New Testament from the KJV Bible online.

KJV Bible Online to help with Bible Study
We hope that the free KJV Bible online will provide you with an inspiring Bible Study resource. The words and text of the KJV Bible online will help when undertaking Bible studies. This Bible Study website also provides useful information and ideas for those following a Bible Study plan. All articles together with tools, activities, aids and materials and are designed to be used by an individual or a Christian Bible study group. Many articles will also prove useful as the basis for Sunday School lessons for Christian children and kids. Other topics will prove a useful asset to teens, youth or adults taking a Bible Study course or Biblical degree and we hope you will gain inspiration for your endeavours with the KJV Bible online. All information is free to be used as an educational Christian Bible Study resource. There are many other famous versions of Bibles to choose from including the scriptures taken from NIV Bibles, NKJV Bibles, illustrated Bibles for kids and new King James Bibles.

KJV Bible Online



KJV Bible Online

  • KJV Bible Online - Free Bible Study resource with great ideas for different topics and activities

  • Ideal for Christian adults, children, kids, teens and youth groups

  • Help with spiritual growth

  • Tips, techniques, methods, plans, aids, guide, activities, games resource for learning about the Scriptures

  • KJV Bible Online

  • Discussion topics to aid Scripture and Bible studies

  • Biblical facts and information for Christian students

KJV Bible Online

KJV Bible Online - Free Bible Study - Free - Lessons - Tools - Guide - Fun - Online - On Line - Studies - Topics - Kids - Women - Ideas - Activities - Aids - Books Of Bible - Bibles - Studying - Biblical - Children - Youth - Discussion Topics - Couples - Teens - Teenagers - Help - Adults - Young - Research - Facts - Info - Information - Methods - Materials - Notes - Plan - Plans - Programs - Questions - Answers - Resources - Resource - Reading - Scriptures - Spiritual Growth - Tips - Techniques - Christian - Worksheets - Sunday School - Outlines - Printable - Individual - Groups - Course - Tool - Degree - Print - Quotes - Passages - Free Bible Study - KJV Bible Online