1 Kings Summary



1 Kings Summary
We have detailed a brief summary of the Boo k of 1 Kings for Bible Study or Sunday School lessons. Definition of a summary: A summary, synopsis or recap is a shortened version of the original. The main purpose of a summary is as a simplification highlighting the major points from the original and much longer version of the subject. This article contains an overview of the key events and Bible People found in 1 Kings in the Bible. A brief synopsis the famous Bible Stories found in the scriptural text of the Book of 1 Kings contained in this short summary of 1 Kings.

Brief Summary of 1 Kings - The KJV Bible Scriptures
The content of 1 Kings according to the KJV Bible Scriptures contains a short overview of the main subjects, people, events and ancient topics in the following summary of the KJV Bible Scriptures:

  • 1 Kings is book number 11 of the Bible. It contains 22 chapters.

  • KJV Bible Verses from 1 Kings and 2 Kings are called by the Hebrews the books of Samuel, because they contain the history of Samuel, and of the two kings, Saul and David, whom he anointed

  • Who wrote the Book of Kings 1? It is uncertain but the common opinion is that Samuel composed the first book, as far as the twenty-fifth chapter; and that the prophets Nathan and Gad finished the first, and wrote the second book. See 1 Chronicles 29:29

  • When was the Book of Kings written? The date of its composition is believed to be from B.C. 561 to  B.C. 538

  • The two books of Kings formed originally one book in the Hebrew Scriptures.

  • They cover the period of about 450 years from the reign of Solomon till the conquest of the kingdom by Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians between the 10th and 6th centuries BC.

People of the Christian faith can this useful short summary of these Bible Scriptures for an online Bible study course or biblical studies. This summary of scriptural text is also very useful for Sunday School lessons and Bible Study at home.

Short Summary of 1 Kings - The Bible Stories of 1 Kings taken from the Scriptures
A short summary of the Bible Stories of 1 Kings taken from the Scriptures. An overview of the key events and Bible People found in 1 Kings together with the famous Bible Stories and brief summary of the Book of 1 Kings from the Bible.

  • The Biblical stories, plot, characters and events detailed in this summary of 1 Kings

  • David has Solomon anointed as the next king

  • The wisdom of Solomon - Famous for settling the argument about a baby who he orders to be cut in half so he can determine who is the real mother

  • Solomon becomes Israel's wisest and richest king and builds Israel's first temple to God in Jerusalem. The temple of Soloman

  • The golden age of Solomon

  • Solomon’s decline and death

  • Queen of Sheba (1 Kings 10:1-13), Elijah, Ahab, Jezebel (1 Kings 16:31) and Elisha
    The Biblical stories, plot, characters and events detailed in 1 Kings

The above summary details the Bible people and summary of important events which occur in the Bible scriptures of the Book of 1 Kings. People of the Christian faith can this useful short summary of these Bible Scriptures for an online Bible study course or biblical studies. This brief summary of 1 Kings is also very useful for Sunday School lessons and Bible Study at home.

Famous Bible Stories from 1 Kings
The following links provide instant access to famous Bible Stories from the Old Testament Book of 1 Kings.  We hope that these stories prove helpful to visitors of the Christian faith who are teaching Bible lessons to children, taking an online Bible Study course or undertaking Bible study at home on the subject of the Book of 1 Kings.

Wisdom of King Solomon
Building the Temple
Queen of Sheba
Rehoboam Bible Story
Jeroboam Bible Story
Elijah Bible Story - The Prophet Who Raised a Boy to Life
Baal Bible Story
Jezebel Bible Story
The Prophet and King Ahab
Ahab and Naboth
Elijah and Elisha

1 Kings Summary
We hope that you find the 1 Kings summary from the KJV Bible chapters and verses helpful to your Bible studies and for references as a guide to further reference to the Book of 1 Kings. KJV Bible Verses from 1 Kings
offer free, online access, for those of the Christian faith, to study scriptural passages for Biblical studies, contained in the words, scriptural text and verses of the KJV Bibles.

1 Kings Summary

1 Kings Summary

  • 1 Kings Summary and overview of the people and events

  • This summary is ideal for Biblical Studies, Sunday School lessons and Bible Study

  • The names of the Bible people and brief summary of important events detailed in this 1 Kings Summary

  • Plot summary of 1 Kings from the KJV Bible

  • Study this summary of the Bible Scriptures of 1 Kings

  • Use this free summary for an online Bible study course

  • Read this summary and the Bible Scriptures of 1 Kings - ideal for Biblical Studies, Sunday School lessons and Bible Study 

1 Kings Summary

1 Kings Summary - KJV - Summary - Read - Book of 1 Kings - Online - KJV - Free - Online Bible Study Course - Reading - Summary - Overview - Plot - Famous people - Famous Events - Scriptural - Scriptures - Kids - Find - Online - Free - Religious - Bible Study - Study - Subject - Book of 1 Kings - On Line - KJV - Summary - Overview - Plot - Famous people - Famous Events - Search - Find - Summary - Lessons - Summary - Overview - Plot - Famous people - Famous Events - Scriptural - Scriptures - Kids - Find - Read - Free - Reading - Online Bible Study Course - Summary - Card - Cards - Scriptural - Scriptures - Kids - Find - Online - Free - Sunday School Lessons - Summary - Scripture - Card - Cards - Faith - Christian - Kids - Bible Study - Bible Study - Subject - Books - Summary - Overview - Plot - Famous people - Famous Events - Search - Find - Summary - Sunday School Lessons - Summary - Overview - Plot - Famous people - Famous Events - Faith - Christian - Kids - Summary - Text - Passages - Lessons - References - Sunday School Lessons - 1 Kings Summary