| 1 John Summary We have detailed a brief summary of the Book of 1 John for Bible Study or Sunday School lessons. Definition of a summary: A summary, synopsis or recap is a shortened version of the original. The main purpose of a summary is as a simplification highlighting the major points from the original and much longer version of the subject. This article contains an overview of the key events and Bible People found in 1 John in the Bible. A brief synopsis the famous Bible Stories found in the scriptural text of the Book of 1 John contained in this short summary of 1 John.Summary of 1 John - The KJV Bible Scriptures The content of 1 John according to the KJV Bible Scriptures contains a short overview of the main subjects, people, events and ancient topics in the following summary of the KJV Bible Scriptures: 1 John is book number 62 of the Bible and number 23 of the New Testament. It contains 5 chapters The First Epistle of John is traditionally held to have been composed by John the Evangelist, at Ephesus What is the meaning of 'epistle'? Epistle is derived from the Greek word 'epistolē' meaning "letter." An espistle is a long, formal letter of sacred character The New Testament contains 22 epistles written by Saints Paul, Peter, John, and others, that were addressed to Christian churches scattered throughout the Roman Empire.
People of the Christian faith can this useful short summary of these Bible Scriptures for an online Bible study course or biblical studies. This summary of scriptural text is also very useful for Sunday School lessons and Bible Study at home. Short Summary of 1 John - The Bible Stories of 1 John taken from the Scriptures A short summary of the Bible Stories of 1 John taken from the Scriptures. An overview of the key events and Bible People found in 1 John together with the famous Bible Stories and brief summary of the Book of 1 John from the Bible. The same vein of divine love and charity towards our neighbour, which runs throughout the Gospel written by the disciple and Evangelist, St. John, is found also in his Epistles. He confirms the two principal mysteries of faith: The mystery of the Trinity and the mystery of the incarnation of Jesus Christ the Son of God. The sublimity and excellence of the evangelical doctrine he declares: And this commandment we have from God, that he, who loveth God, love also his brother (chapter 4:21). And again: For this is the charity of God, that we keep his commandments, and: His commandments are not heavy (chapter 5:3). He shows how to distinguish the children of God from those of the devil: marks out those who should be called Antichrists: describes the turpitude and gravity of sin. Finally, he shows how the sinner may hope for pardon. It was written, sixty-six years after the Ascension.
The above summary details the Bible people and summary of important events which occur in the Bible scriptures of the Book of 1 John. People of the Christian faith can this useful short summary of these Bible Scriptures for an online Bible study course or biblical studies. This brief summary of 1 John is also very useful for Sunday School lessons and Bible Study at home. Additional Summary of the Book of 1 John - Easton's Bible Dictionary The following additional short summary of the Book of 1 John contains facts and information taken from Easton's Bible Dictionary. It provides a short synopsis of this Biblical Book of the Scripture with reference with interesting points or lessons to be learned from the summary of these famous Biblical events and people. With this additional short summary of the Book of 1 John you can discover the people, places and stories detailed in this Holy Scripture. This summary of the Book of 1 John will help with many different forms of Bible Study: The First Epistle of John. The fourth of the catholic or "general" epistles. It was evidently written by John the evangelist, and probably also at Ephesus, and when the writer was in advanced age. The purpose of the apostle (1:1-4) is to declare the Word of Life to those to whom he writes, in order that they might be united in fellowship with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. He shows that the means of union with God are, (1) on the part of Christ, his atoning work (1:7; 2:2; 3:5; 4:10, 14; 5:11, 12) and his advocacy (2:1); and (2), on the part of man, holiness (1:6), obedience (2:3), purity (3:3), faith (3:23; 4:3; 5:5), and love (2:7, 8; 3:14; 4:7; 5:1). 1 John Summary We hope that you find the 1 John summary from the KJV Bible chapters and verses helpful to your Bible studies and for references as a guide to further reference to the Book of 1 John. KJV Bible Verses from 1 John offer free, online access, for those of the Christian faith, to study scriptural passages for Biblical studies, contained in the words, scriptural text and verses of the KJV Bibles. 1 John Summary |