Nahum Bible Study



Nahum Bible Study Guide
This article contains a Bible Study guide and free resource for lessons on the subject of Bible Study Books of the Bible including this article on Nahum Bible Study. This page which covers Nahum Bible Study is suitable for those requiring an outline for Nahum Bible Study. The facts and information provide an outline for Nahum Bible Study guide by chapter and verse and the purpose of this book of the Bible. This lesson allows the student to become acquainted with the important content of the verses and chapters of this Book of the Bible. Another feature in this guide is the provision of questions for Bible study and topics for discussion. Much of the content of this section of 'Bible Study Books of the Bible' is taken from the The Bible Book by Book by J.B. Tidwell and is an ideal resource for use in Bible Study groups conducting Nahum Bible Study. 

Nahum Bible Study - The Prophet
His name means "consolation", and he was a native of Elkosh, a small town of Galilee. We do not know where he uttered his prophecy, whether from Philistia or at Nineveh. It is thought that he escaped into Judah when the Captivity of the Ten Tribe began and that he was at Jerusalem at the time of the Assyrian invasion.

Nahum Bible Study - The Prophecy
The date, if the above conclusions are to be relied upon, would be in the reign of Hezekiah, King of Judah, which would be between 720 and 698 B. C. Others put it between the destruction of Thebes, 664 B. C. and the fall of Nineveh, 607 B. C. claiming that it might be either during the reign of Josiah, 640-625 B. C. or in the reign of Manasseh, 660 B. C. The theme of the book is the approaching fall of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, which held sway for centuries and has been regarded as the most brutal of the ancient heathen nations. The purpose, in keeping with the name of the author, was to comfort his people, so long harassed by Assyria, which was soon to fall and trouble them no more. The style is bold and fervid and eloquent and differs from all the prophetic books so far studied in that it is silent concerning the sins of Judah. It is a sort of outburst of exultation over the distress of a cruel foe, a shout of triumph over the downfall of an enemy that has prevented the exaltation of the people of Jehovah.

Nahum Bible Study - Analysis
I. The Doom of Nineveh Pronounced, Chapter 1.

II. the Siege and Fall of Nineveh, Chapter 2.

III. The Sins Which Will Cause Nineveh's Ruin, Chapter 3.

Nahum Bible Study - For Study and Discussion
(1) The striking features of the Divine character seen in the book. How many in 1:2-3?
(2) The description of Nineveh-not only her wickedness, but her energy and enterprise.
(3) The doom predicted for Nineveh-analyze the predictions to the different things to which she is doomed.
(4) Pride as a God-ward sin and its punishment.
(5) Cruelty, The man-ward sin and its punishment.

Nahum Bible Study - A Free Christian Bible Study Resource
We hope that  this Nahum Bible Study article will provide useful facts, information and ideas for those following a Bible Study plan. All articles together with tools, activities, aids and materials and  are designed to be used by an individual or a Christian Bible study group or adults taking a Bible Study course or Biblical degree. All information on this Nahum Bible Study page is free to be used as an educational Christian Bible Study resource.

Nahum Bible Study

Nahum Bible Study

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