Esther Bible Study



Esther Bible Study Guide
This article contains a Bible Study guide and free resource for lessons on the subject of Bible Study Books of the Bible including this article on Esther Bible Study. This page which covers Esther Bible Study is suitable for those requiring an outline for Esther Bible Study. The facts and information provide an outline for Esther Bible Study guide by chapter and verse and the purpose of this book of the Bible. This lesson allows the student to become acquainted with the important content of the verses and chapters of this Book of the Bible. Another feature in this guide is the provision of questions for Bible study and topics for discussion. Much of the content of this section of 'Bible Study Books of the Bible' is taken from the The Bible Book by Book by J.B. Tidwell and is an ideal resource for use in Bible Study groups conducting Esther Bible Study.

Ezra Biblical Studies
Nehemiah Biblical Studies

Esther Bible Study - Name
This is taken from its principal character, a Jewish maiden became queen of a Persian King.

Esther Bible Study - Purpose
To explain the origin of the feast of Purim work of providence for God's people.

Esther Bible Study - Time
The events narrated are thought to have occurred about 56 years after the first return of Zerubbabel in 536 B. C. The King then would be Xerxes the Great, and the drunken feast may have been preparatory to the invasion of Greece in the third year of his reign. Connection with Other Books. There is no connection between Esther and the other books of the Bible. While it is a story of the time when the Jews were returning to Jerusalem, and very likely should come between the first and second return, and, therefore, between the sixth and seventh chapters of Ezra, the incident stands alone. Without it we would lose much of our knowledge of that period.

Esther Bible Study - The Story
While Esther stands out as the principal character, the whole story turns on the refusal of Mordecai to bow down to Haman, which would have been to show him divine honor. He did not hate Haman but, as a Jew could not worship any other than God. He dared to stand for principle at the risk of his life.

Esther Bible Study - The Name of God
One of the peculiarities of the book is that it nowhere mentions the name of God, or makes any reference to him. This may be because his name was held secret and sacred at that time. However, God's power and His care of His people are everywhere implied in the book.

Esther Bible Study - Analysis
I. Esther Made Queen, Chapters 1-2.

1. Queen Vashti dethroned. Chapter 1.

2. Esther made queen. Chapter 2.

II. Haman's Plot and its Defeat. Chapters 3-8.

1. Haman plots the destruction of the Jews. Chapter 3.

2. The Jews' mourning and Mordecai's plea to Esther. Chapter 4.

3. Esther banquets Haman and the King, Chapter 5.

4. Mordecai highly honored for former service. Chapter 6.

5. Esther's plea granted and Haman hanged, Chapter 7,

6. The Jews allowed defense and Mordecai advanced, Chapter 8.

III. The Jews' Deliverance, Chapters 9-10.

1. Their enemies slain, 9:1-16.

2. A memorial feast is established. 9:17-32 end.

3. Mordecai made great, Chapter 10.

Esther Bible Study - For Study and Discussion
(1) The character of the king, Vashti, Mordecai, Esther and Haman.
(2) Mordecai's plea to Esther.
(3) The honor of Mordecai and humiliation of Haman, Chapter 6.
(4) The destruction of their enemies.
(5) The feast of Purim, 9:17-32.
(6) Truth about God seen in this book.
(7) Why not name the book Mordecai or Vashti-are they not as heroic as Esther?
(8) The race devotion of the Jews, then and now.
(9) Persian life as seen in the book. 

Esther Bible Study - A Free Christian Bible Study Resource
We hope that  this Esther Bible Study article will provide useful facts, information and ideas for those following a Bible Study plan. All articles together with tools, activities, aids and materials and  are designed to be used by an individual or a Christian Bible study group or adults taking a Bible Study course or Biblical degree. All information on this Esther Bible Study page is free to be used as an educational Christian Bible Study resource.

Esther Bible Study

Esther Bible Study

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Esther Bible Study

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