2 Chronicles Bible Study



2 Chronicles Bible Study Guide
This article contains a Bible Study guide and free resource for lessons on the subject of Bible Study Books of the Bible including this article on 2 Chronicles Bible Study. This page which covers 2 Chronicles Bible Study is suitable for those requiring an outline for 2 Chronicles Bible Study. The facts and information provide an outline for 2 Chronicles Bible Study guide by chapter and verse and the purpose of this book of the Bible. This lesson allows the student to become acquainted with the important content of the verses and chapters of this Book of the Bible. Another feature in this guide is the provision of questions for Bible study and topics for discussion. Much of the content of this section of 'Bible Study Books of the Bible' is taken from the The Bible Book by Book by J.B. Tidwell and is an ideal resource for use in Bible Study groups conducting 2 Chronicles Bible Study.

1 Chronicles Biblical Studies 

2 Chronicles Bible Study - Name
The name Chronicles was given by Jerome. They were the "words of days" and the translators of the Septuagint named them the "things omitted." They were originally one book.

2 Chronicles Bible Study - Contents
Beginning with Adam the history of Israel is rewritten down to the return of Judah from captivity.

2 Chronicles Bible Study - Relation to Former Books
It covers the same field as all the others. To this time the books have fitted one into another and formed a continuous history. Here we double back and review the whole history, beginning with Adam, and coming down to the edict of Cyrus which permitted the exiled Jews to return to Jerusalem.

2 Chronicles Bible Study - Religious Purpose of the Narratives (1 & 2)
Several things show these books to have a religious purpose. (1) God's care of his people and his purpose to save them is given special emphasis. (2) The building of the temple is given much prominence. (3) The kings who served God and destroyed idols are given the most conspicuous place. (4) He follows the line of Judah. only mentioning Israel where it seemed necessary. In this way he was following the Messianic line through David. (5) The priestly spirit permeates these books instead of the prophetic elements as in the earlier historical books. The aim, therefore, seems to be to teach rather than to narrate. He seems to teach that virtue and vice, in private or in national affairs, will surely receive their dues-that God must be taken into account in the life of individuals and of nations.

2 Chronicles Bible Study - Analysis of Second Chronicles
I. The Reign of Solomon, Chapters 1-9.

1. Building of the temple, Cha. 1-4.

2. Dedication of the temple, Chapters 5-7.

3. Solomon's greatness and wealth, Chapters 8-9.

II. Judah After the Revolt of the Ten Tribes, Chapters 10-36.

1. Reign of Rehoboam, Chapters 10-12.

2. Victory of Abijah, Chapters 13.

3. Reign of Asa, Chapters 14-16.

4. Reign of Jehoshaphat, Chapters 21-28.

5. Reign of Hezekiah, Chapters 29-32.

6. Reign of Manasseh and Amon, Chapter 33.

7. Reign of Josiah, Chapters 34-35.

8. The captivity, Ch, 36.

2 Chronicles Bible Study - For Study and Discussion
(1) The great men of David.
(2) The different victories won by David.
(3) The dedication of the temple, especially the prayer.
(4) The wealth and follies of Solomon.
(5) The scripture and God's house as a means and source of all information, see: (a) Asa's restoration of the altar and its vessels, (b) Jehoshaphat's teaching the people God's law, (c) Joash and God's restored house, (d) The reforms Of Josiah. (6) The reign of Manasseh.
(7) The nature of the worship of Judah.
(8) The captivity.
(9) The value of true religion to a nation.
(10) The evil results of idolatry.

2 Chronicles Bible Study - A Free Christian Bible Study Resource
We hope that  this 2 Chronicles Bible Study article will provide useful facts, information and ideas for those following a Bible Study plan. All articles together with tools, activities, aids and materials and  are designed to be used by an individual or a Christian Bible study group or adults taking a Bible Study course or Biblical degree. All information on this 2 Chronicles Bible Study page is free to be used as an educational Christian Bible Study resource.

2 Chronicles Bible Study

2 Chronicles Bible Study

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