Bible Stories from the New Testament



Bible Stories from the New Testament

Bible Stories from the New Testament
This Bible Study section contains a selection of free Bible Stories from the New Testament providing a great study resource for parents, the church and Sunday School teachers. The greatest Biblical stories for adults and children detail the famous people and famous events which are ideal for all ages from adults and teens to small children and young kids. All of our Bible Stories from the New Testament are freely available in a fully printable version.  Just click one of the following links for Bible stories from the New Testament to access the famous Bible Stories of your choice:

Famous Bible Stories from the New Testament
Gabriel and the Virgin Mary Bible Story - The Angel by the Altar
The Nativity Bible Story - The Manger of Bethlehem
The Magi Bible Story - The Star and the Wise Men
Jesus in Nazareth Bible Story - The Boy in his Father's House
John the Baptist Bible Story - The Prophet in the Wilderness
Jesus at Galilee Bible Story - Jesus in the Desert, and beside the River
Water into Wine Bible Story - The Water Jars at the Wedding Feast
Jacob's Well Bible Story - The Stranger at the Well
Jesus at Cana Bible Story - The Story of a Boy in Capernaum and a Riot
Jesus Heals the Sick Bible Story - A Net Full of Fishes
Jesus and the Leper Bible Story - The Leper and the Man Let Down through the Roof
Jesus and the Pharisees Bible Story - The Cripple at the Pool and the Withered Hand
Sermon on the Mount Bible Story - The Twelve Disciples and the Sermon on the Mount
Jesus and the Centurion Bible Story - The Captain's Servant, the Widow's Son, and a Sinner
Parables of Jesus Bible Story - Some Stories Jesus told by the Sea
Legion Bible Story - "Peace, Be Still"
Daughter of Jairus Bible Story - The Little Girl Who Was Raised to Life
Salome Bible Story - A Dancing Girl and What Was Given to Her
Feeding the Five Thousand Bible Story - The Feast beside the Sea and What Followed It
Loaves and Fishes Bible Story - The Answer to a Mother's Prayer
The Prophecies of Jesus Bible Story - The Glory of Jesus on the Mountain
Seventy Times Seven Bible Story - The Little Child in the Arms of Jesus
Son of Man Bible Story - At the Feast of Tabernacles
Jesus and the Blind Beggar Bible Story - The Man with Clay on His Face
Good Samaritan Bible Story - The Good Shepherd and the Good Samaritan
Lazarus Bible Story - Lazarus Raised to Life
Jesus preaches to the Multitudes Bible Story - Some Parables in Perea
Parables of Jesus Bible Story - The Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man
Blind Bartimeus Bible Story - Jesus at Jericho
Judas Bible Story - Palm Sunday
Jesus and the Money Changers Bible Story - The Last Visit of Jesus to the Temple
Jesus at the Mount of Olives Bible Story - The Parables on the Mount of Olives
The Last Supper Bible Story - The Last Supper
Garden of Gethsemane Bible Story - The Olive Orchard and the High Priests Hall
Pontius Pilate Bible Story - The Crown of Thorns
The Crucifixion Bible Story - The Darkest Day of All the World
Resurrection of Jesus Bible Story - The Brightest Day of All the World
Doubting Thomas Bible Story - The Stranger on the Shore
The Apostles of Jesus Bible Story - The Church of the First Days
Peter and John Bible Story - The Man at the Beautiful Gate
Barnabas and Ananias Bible Story - The Right Way to Give, and the Wrong Way
Stephen Bible Story - Stephen with the Shining Face
Philip Bible Story - The Man Reading in the Chariot
Saul on the road to Damascus Bible Story - The Voice That Spoke to Saul
Tabitha Bible Story - What Peter Saw by the Sea
Peter freed by the Angel Bible Story - How the Iron Gate Was Opened
Preaching to he Gentiles Bible Story - The Earliest Missionaries
Lydia Bible Story - The Song in the Prison
Preaching of Paul Bible Story - Paul's Speech on the Hill
Letters of Paul Bible Story - Paul at Corinth
Paul and the Temple of Diana Bible Story - Paul at Ephesus
Journeys of Paul Bible Story - Paul's Last Journey to Jerusalem
Paul of Tarsus Bible Story - The Speech on the Stairs
Paul in Caesarea Bible Story - Two Years in Prison
Paul and Festus Bible Story - The Story That Paul Told to the King
Journey of Paul to Rome Bible Story - Paul in the Storm
Paul, Onesimus and Philemon Bible Story - How Paul Came to Rome & How He Lived There
John the Apostle Bible Story - The Throne of God
John Bible Story - The City of God 
Famous Bible Stories from the New Testament

Bible Stories from the New Testament from Hurlbut's Bible Stories
Our Bible Stories from the New Testament section provides a great Bible Study resource for all ages from adults and teens to small children and small kids This famous selection of Bible Stories for Children were written in simple words by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut and taken from Hurlbut's Bible Stories For Children (young and old) which was published in 1904. The book is also known as Harbut's Story of the Bible (Told for young and Old). We have added sub-titles to clarify the content of the stories. Harbut's Story of the Bible contains the famous and great stories in their connected order forming a continuous history of the Bible and its greatest stories which are suitable for adults and teens, young children and kids, Catholic or Protestant, part of a series of Bible Stories from the New Testament. Each of the Bible Stories from the New Testament is independent of all the other stories and can be read separately, enabling parents, tutors or teachers of Sunday School to tell or read the stories randomly or in the order in which these Bible Stories from the New Testament appear in the Christian Holy Bible about the life of Jesus.

Bible Stories from the New Testament
Each of the Bible Stories from the New Testament is cross-referenced to the place the stories may be found in the Holy Bible. The simple words used in the Bible Stories from the New Testament for adults, youth, teens, small children and young kids are an ideal resource for Protestant or Catholic Christian parents and Christian Sunday School teachers to tell the famous and great stories of the Bible inspired from the scriptures of the Bible contained in the New Testament. The simple words of these great Biblical stories may also be used for preschool kids. Tell the Bible Stories from the New Testament found in the Bible to little kids, adults, youth, teens, small children and young kids.

Bible Stories from the New Testament- A Free Christian Bible Study Resource
We hope that  this Bible Stories from the New Testament section will provide useful information and ideas for following a Christian Bible Study plan. All articles on the subject of Bible Stories from the New Testament together with tools, activities, aids and materials and  are designed to be used by an individual or a Christian Bible study group. Many articles will also prove useful as the basis for fun Sunday School lessons for children and kids other topics will prove a useful asset to teens, youth or adults taking a Bible Study course or Biblical degree. All information, including this section on Bible Stories from the New Testament, is free to be used as an educational Christian Bible Study resource.

Bible Stories from the New Testament



Bible Stories from the New Testament

  • Bible Stories from the New Testament - Free Bible Study resource with great ideas for different topics and activities

  • Bible Stories for Christian adults, Christian children, Christian kids, Christian teens & Christian youth groups

  • Help with spiritual growth

  • Tips, techniques, methods, plans, aids, guide, activities, games resource for learning about the Scriptures

  • Bible Stories from the New Testament

  • Bible Stories to aid Scripture and Bible studies

  • Biblical facts and information for Christian students

Bible Stories from the New Testament

Bible Stories from the New Testament - Bible - Stories - Bible Stories - Youth - Teens - Adults - Stories - Kids - Children - Childrens - Children's - Free - Lesson - Lessons - Short - Young - Teaching - Read - Reading - New Testament - New Testament - Kids - Classics - Classic - Traditional - Online - On Line - Catholic - Protestant - Hurlbut's Bible Stories For Children - Jesse Lyman Hurlbut - Story Of The Bible - Tell - Little - Jesus - Christian - Great - Printable - Print - Small - Preschool - Simple - Famous - Bible Stories from the New Testament