Paul's Third journey Bible Study Answers

Paul's Third journey Bible Study Answers

1. In what great city of Asia Minor did Paul preach on his third missionary journey? In Ephesus.

2. What did Paul do in Ephesus? Many great works of healing.

3. How long did Paul stay in Ephesus preaching? Three years.

4. What arose in Ephesus a little before Paul left the city? A great uproar against Paul.

5. To what places in Europe where Paul had preached before, did he go after leaving Ephesus? To Philippi and Corinth.

6. Where did Paul make a young man well, after he had fallen out of a window? At Troas.

7. At what place did Paul send for the leaders of the church at Ephesus? At Miletus.

8. What did Paul speak to these leaders of the church? His farewell words.

9. What words of Jesus did Paul tell them to remember? "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

10. Where did Paul end his third missionary journey? At Jerusalem.

Paul's Third journey Bible Study Answers

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