Jesus on the Mountain Bible Study Answers

Jesus on the Mountain Bible Study Answers

1. What question did Jesus ask his disciples? "Who do you say that I am?"

2. Who answered Jesus question for all the disciples? Peter.

3. What did Peter say in answer to Jesus? "You are Christ, the Son of God."

4. What does the word "Christ" mean? The Anointed One, the King.

5. On what mountain did Jesus go with three of his disciples? On Mount Hermon.

6. What change came upon Jesus while he was praying on the mountain? He shone as bright as the sun.

7. What two men of the past were seen talking with Jesus? Moses and Elijah.

8. What did a voice from a cloud say? "This is my beloved Son."

9. What did Jesus and the three disciples find when they came down the mountain? A child with an evil spirit.

10. What did Jesus do to the child? He set him free from the evil spirit.

Jesus on the Mountain Bible Study Answers

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