Jesus and the Fishermen Bible Study Answers

Jesus and the Fishermen Bible Study Answers

1. To what place did Jesus go from Nazareth? To Capernaum by the sea.

2. From what did Jesus preach beside the sea? From a boat.

3. After preaching, what did Jesus help his followers to do? To catch many fishes.

4. What four fishermen became disciples of Jesus? Peter and Andrew, James and John.

5. Whom did Jesus cure from a great fever? The mother of Peters Wife.

6. Whom did Jesus heal by a touch? A leper.

7. How did they bring a sick man to Jesus? Through the roof.

8. What did Jesus say as he made the sick man well? "Your sins are forgiven."

9. Why had Jesus the right to forgive sins? Because he was the son of God.

Jesus and the Fishermen Bible Study Answers

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