Amos Bible Study



Amos Bible Study Guide
This article contains a Bible Study guide and free resource for lessons on the subject of Bible Study Books of the Bible including this article on Amos Bible Study. This page which covers Amos Bible Study is suitable for those requiring an outline for Amos Bible Study. The facts and information provide an outline for Amos Bible Study guide by chapter and verse and the purpose of this book of the Bible. This lesson allows the student to become acquainted with the important content of the verses and chapters of this Book of the Bible. Another feature in this guide is the provision of questions for Bible study and topics for discussion. Much of the content of this section of 'Bible Study Books of the Bible' is taken from the The Bible Book by Book by J.B. Tidwell and is an ideal resource for use in Bible Study groups conducting Amos Bible Study. 

Amos Bible Study - The Prophet
His name means "Burden," and he is called the prophet of righteousness. His home was at Tokea, a small town of Judea about twelve miles south of Jerusalem, where he acted as herdsman and as dresser of sycamore trees. He was very humble, not being of the prophetic line, nor educated in the schools of the prophets for the prophetic office. God called him to go out from Judah, his native country, as a prophet to Israel, the Northern Kingdom. In obedience to this call he went to Bethel, where the sanctuary was, and delivered his bold prophecy. His bold preaching against the land Of Israel while at Bethel aroused Amaziah the leading idolatrous priest, who complained of him to the king. He was expelled from the kingdom, after he had denounced Amaziah who had perhaps accused him of preaching as a trade, 7:10-14, but we know nothing more of him except what is in this book, which he perhaps wrote after he returned from Tekoa.

Amos Bible Study - The Time of the Prophecy
It was during the reign of Uzziah, king of Judah and of Jereboam II, king of Israel, and was outwardly a very prosperous time in Northern Israel. But social evils were everywhere manifest, especially the sins that grow out of a separation between the rich and poor, 2:6-8, etc. Religion was of a low and formal kind, very much of the heathen worship having been adopted.

Amos Bible Study - The Significance of the Prophecy
One need but read the book of Amos to see that he expects doom to come upon foreign nations, that he foretells the wickedness of the Jews and their coming doom, showing how the nation is to be dissolved and sold into captivity and that he predicts the glory and greatness of the Messianic kingdom. He thinks of Jehovah as the one true God, an a11 wise, all-powerful, omnipresent, merciful and righteous person whose favor can only be secured by a life of righteousness. He sees that justice between men is the foundation of society, that men are responsible for their acts, that punishment will follow failure to measure up to our responsibility, that worship is an insult to God, unless the worshiper tries to conform to divine demands.

Amos Bible Study - Analysis
I. The Condemnation of the Nations. Chapters 1-2.

1. Introduction, 1:1-2.

2. Israel's neighbors shall be punished for their sins. 1:3-2:5.

3. Israel's sins shall he punished, 2:6-16.

II. The Condemnation of Israel, Chapters 3-6.

1. For civil iniquities, Chapter 3.

2. For oppression of the poor and for idolatry, Chapter 4.

3. Repeated announcements of judgment with appeals to return and do good, Chapters 5-6.

III. Five Visions Concerning Israel, Chapters 7:1-9:10.

1. The locusts, 7:1-3.

2. The fire, 7:4-6.

3. The plumb line (a testing), 7:7-9, a historical interlude (the conflict with Amaziah), 7:10-17.

4. A basket of summer fruit (iniquity ripe for punishment), Chapter 8.

5. The destruction of the altar (No more services), 9:1-10.

IV. Promised Restoration and Messianic Kingdom, 9;11-15.

Amos Bible Study - For Study mid Discussion
(1) Gather from the book a list of illustrations, sayings, etc., that are taken from the rustic or agricultural usages. (2) Make a list of the different nations against which he prophesies and point out the sin of each and the nature of the punishment threatened. (3) Make a list of the different illustrations used to show the greatness and power of God. (4) The sin of wrong inter-relation of nations. (5) The responsibility of national enlightenment. (6) Repentance as seen in this book. (7) The book's evidence of the luxury of the time.

Amos Bible Study - A Free Christian Bible Study Resource
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Amos Bible Study

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