The First Missionaries Printable Bible Study Questions

The First Missionaries Printable Bible Questions

1. Where did a great church of Christ grow up?

2. Who preached and taught in the church at Antioch?

3. For what work were Barnabas and Saul sent out from Antioch?

4. What are those who go out to other lands to preach the gospel called?

5. To what island did the missionaries and Barnabas first go preaching the gospel?

6. By what name was Saul called after this time?

7. In what land did the missionaries, Paul and Barnabas, preach after they left the island of Cyprus?

8. In what city of Asia Minor did they begin preaching the gospel?

9. In what place were they first worshipped as gods and then stoned?

10. What did Paul and Barnabas do in all the places which they visited on this journey?

11. To what place did they go again after their journey?

The First Missionaries Printable Bible Study Questions

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