Moses Printable Bible Study Questions

Moses Printable Bible Questions

1. How long did the Israelites stay in Egypt?

2. How did the Egyptians treat the Israelites while Joseph lived, and for a time afterward?

3. What became of the Israelites in Egypt?

4. How did the King of Egypt who ruled many years after Josephs time treat the Israelites?

5. How did the King treat the Israelites cruelly?

6. What order did the King give, to keep the Israelites from growing in number?

7. What did one Israelite mother do with her little baby boy?

8. Who found the baby floating in the river?

9. What did the daughter of Pharaoh do with the baby?

10. What was the name of this boy?

11. To what land did Moses go after he grew up?

12. How long was Moses in the land where he grew up?

13. What was Moses at that time?

14. On what mountain did Moses see a wonderful sight?

15. What did Moses see on this mountain?

16. What spoke to Moses from the burning bush?

17. What did God tell Moses to do?

18. Who helped Moses in this work?

19. Who would not allow the Israelites to go out of Egypt?

20. What came upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians until they were willing to let the Israelites go?

21. How were the Israelites at last led out of Egypt?

Moses Printable Bible Study Questions

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