John the Baptist Bible Study Answers

John the Baptist Bible Study Answers

1. When Jesus was a young man in Nazareth who began to preach? John the son of Zacharias.

2. Where did John preach? In the desert near the river Jordan.

3. Who went to hear John preach? All the people of the land.

4. What did John tell the people to do? To turn from sin and serve God.

5. Who did John say was soon to come? One greater than himself.

6. What did John do to those who were willing to serve God? He baptized them in the river Jordan.

7. By what name was John called? John the Baptist.

8. Who came to be baptized by John the Baptist? Jesus of Nazareth.

9. What took place when Jesus was baptized? The Spirit of God came upon him.

10. What voice was heard from heaven? "This is my beloved Son."

11. What did this mean? That Jesus was the Son of God.

John the Baptist Bible Study Answers

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