Jesus at Jacobs Well Bible Study Answers

Jesus at Jacobs Well Bible Study Answers

1. What was done with John the Baptist while Jesus was teaching at Jerusalem? He was put in prison.

2. Who put John the Baptist in prison? Herod, the wicked king.

3. To what part of the land did Jesus go after this? To Galilee.

4. Where was Galilee? In the north of the land.

5. What part of the land did Jesus go through on his way to Galilee? Through Samaria.

6. What were the people called who lived in that country? Samaritans.

7. At what place in Samaria did Jesus rest on his journey? At Jacobs Well.

8. With whom did Jesus talk at Jacobs Well? With a Samaritan woman.

9. What did Jesus tell this woman that he could give her? Living water.

10. How did Jesus say that all should worship God? In spirit and in truth.

Jesus at Jacobs Well Bible Study Answers

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